A short film celebrating the resurgence of local grain growing in Humboldt County. Meet the farmers and small business owners who work to sustain the region’s environmental and economic health.

An audio postcard highlighting native bees — including nuances of their behavior, life history and ecological importance.


Jess is a media producer, photographer and has a passion for intersections of people and place.

Jess’ recent audio work includes several episodes of BirdNote Daily and Sound Ecology, a series of interstitial audio journeys that celebrate our environment.

Additional production work includes the Threatened podcast, Food For Thought films and radio shows highlighting community resilience and food security topics and Along the River, audio stories and features highlighting Native culture and rural community life.

Her time on the airwaves in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, as the "seabird lady" and the "fish guts lady" was perhaps the most memorable and enjoyable radio ever.

Listen to:

Sound Ecology

Along the River

Linguist Susan Gehr teaches the Karuk word for salmon.

Along the River audio stories and features highlight Native culture and rural community life.